Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kate Nash hugged me and stuff like that

Yesterday, I successfully crossed off something on my bucket list.

When I was in 10th grade, one of my best Internet friends, Nicole, introduced me to Kate Nash. Obviously, I fell in love immediately and every day in school for the rest of my high school career, I would listen to her to get through the shitty days. 

Yesterday, I met her.

It was literally the most insane moment of my life. It didn't even feel real. My cousin and I were part of her street team and her manager invited us (along with the rest of the ST) to a soundcheck pizza party. We met her band members (who are so badass idek) before we met Kate and they were awesome and so sweet. I didn't really think that Kate was going to hang out with us very long or anything. I just assumed she would come and say hi, sign a few things and leave. Nope. After soundcheck, she asked if we wanted to go outside since it was brighter and cooler. So, as we started heading outside, she started walking a different way. We went backstage to an ~exclusive porch outside and she signed stuff for us. I didn't even think that I needed something for her to sign so I was freaking out. Then I remembered I was wearing a shirt I made specifically for the show. DUH! So, after we hugged, I told her that I made the shirt just for the show and she was so excited that she wanted to take a picture of it on her phone. So basically, there's a picture of me on my Kate's phone like what?? 

Then I asked her if we could take selfies. The best ones were the ones I posted up there. But she posed for a bunch so I could choose from them. SHE IS SO NICE. After that, her manager brought pizza so we could eat and then told is we could stay as long as we wanted. Kate stayed and talked to us for a while after the signing and selfie session. She told us how she's been sick and she's on medication so if tonight's show is crazy, that's why. We hung around the venue until the show started and ran into Kate a couple of times and we were just like lol causally running into kate it's fine. and then her guitarist, Linda, stopped to talk to us for a little while. 
The show was 100% crazy/fun. Skating Polly was the first band to play. I'm always worried that I won't like opening bands and that's usually the case but holy shit, Skating Polly was awesome. They're young and badass and I wish I was them. 

We were front row for the whole show but they were at the opposite end of the stage so it was hard to get a good picture of them. When you hear them talk, they sound so cute and innocent then they start playing and they're so hardcore and badass. Wow, I'm a great reviewer, right?
The next band to play was La Sera.
It was hard to get a picture of the whole band so, I just got a picture of the lead singer Katy. We had seen her backstage earlier but because I had never listened to them or seen them, I just thought she was Kate's friend or something. They were awesome too! Again, I give great reviews. OH I also forgot to mention that during these two sets, Kate was hanging out on the side of the stage with her sister and her manager watching the bands play. I've been to a lot of concerts where you can see the side of the stage and I've never seen an artist come out and support the opening bands while they play. That is literally how awesome Kate is.
Now it's Kate time! She came out with tea in her hand, which led me to believe that shit was about to get real because obviously she needed to soothe her throat with hot tea. She opened with Sister and that pretty much set the mood for the night.
She played a nice mix of Girl Talk songs, and Made of Bricks songs and sang a few MBFIY songs. She didn't follow the set list but a song I know wasn't on the set was Pumpkin Soup but they played that anyways. I'm assuming that she didn't follow the set list because she was sick and chose tamer songs to sing but she still rocked the fuck out, even when she had to stop to grab her inhaler.
My favorite song that she sang last night was Mariella. It is my favorite song off of MOB and just so good and I feel like I relate to it the most out of all of her songs. I just screamed along while Kate jumped around on stage. It was so awesome. I've never felt such emotion and power at a damn concert.

Things got crazy once her manager and Kelli from Skating Polly started grabbing people to go on stage during Underestimate The Girl. Originally, the street team was supposed to go on stage but it ended up not happening because the crowd was a mess. But it's fine because Kate started making most of the people on stage to stage dive and I WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN HAPPY if I had to stage dive. She made her band members, her sister and then random people that she pulled from the crowd to crowd surf. Then she crowd surfed.
This wasn't the first time she had jumped in the crowd. A few songs earlier, she ran into the crowd and danced with everyone in the crowd. It was amazing. She's so nice to her fans and I wish everyone was like her. Also, before the whole stage diving thing started, she gave this great speech about how girls are constantly shit on by the media and we shouldn't take it. She told us (in different words, ofc) that we shouldn't be afraid to go out and do stuff we like to do because we are awesome and we shouldn't take bullshit. Also, before she sang Fri-end?, she gave a speech saying that we need to stop trying to make shitty friends happy. We shouldn't give them our time and we should go out and spend time with people who will appreciate us. We need to stop defending our dick friends and have friends that treat us like actual friends. She used the word dick like 27 times and I was hoping that she was going to sing Dickhead but she didn't. ANYWAYS, WORDS OF MOTHERFUCKING WISDOM. (even though I p much paraphrased all of that but that is basically everything she said)

She closed the show with Merry Happy. And I was very happy. Sorry, I had to do that. I was ready to go home because I had had a fucking long day and the crowd was wild. That had to have been the only flaw of the show. That's one thing I hate about concerts. The fans are never nice to other fans. They're complete assholes, which infuriates me because Kate considers us her Girl Gang, which focuses on feminism, and I feel like a lot of the fans at last night's show need to look up what that word means. So many girls fighting their way to the front and bullying younger girls to get what they wanted. It was just really annoying.

Overall, the show was awesome. I forgot to mention her manager, Brett, gave us posters!
and it coincidentally matches my wall color. Perfection.

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